We strive to mould our students into determined diligent and daring young men, who, in their pursuit of excellence, will also uphold moral values and be willing to give themselves to enrich the lives of others.
The college has a wide array of cultural, sports and personality development programs designed to bring best in the students. We have Well-qualified, trained, motivated faculty make S.N.COLLEGE, SHAHMAL KHAIRA DEO, Rohtas, Bihar a unique academic environment. Faculty members who have excellent academic credentials in their respective line of specialization and long years of teaching experience impart quality education to students.
IQAC of S.N COLLEGE SHAHMAL KHAIRA DEO is an advisory and recommending body. Our IQAC has been established on 11-01-2013. It has formulated the action plan for all round development of the more than 60 years old and prestigious College.
The College has collaborated with huge infrastructue like:-Number of Classroom, Number of Smart Classroom Seminar Hall cum Smart Class Laboratory, Conference room, SWAYAM cum Smart Class, Teachers Room, Girls Common Room..
Our College Central library is well stocked with text books, reference books, magazines & News Paper collection. The library has an open and fully automated accession barcoded system and Wi-Fi Internet facility.
To create a class of intellectually, morally and spiritually sound and committed citizens, who will become a human resources of high caliber, to cater to the needs of the society and the county as a whole in accordance with our ‘Leeeus at Ardens’ which means ‘spreading light and growing bright’
To make spiring intelligentsia of S.N.COLLEGE, SHAHMAL KAIRA DEO Rohtas, mentally tough, emotionally strong & intellectually sharp so that they can float quite efficiently and actively in the ever flowing and vast stream of technological advancement.
well meaning citizens through the committed pattern of instructions based on carefully prepared and well designed curricular aspects. The changing needs of the time are the basis while building a rich corpus of talent. Hence, the main objective of S.N.COLLEGE, SHAHMAL KAIRA DEO is to transform the students into well meaning citizens through well prepared socially committed patterns of instruction.
Governor of Bihar
Vice Chancellor
IQAC Co-Ordinator
Ex usu vero quaerendum, mei no falli denique. Purto consul voluptua eos cu, ludus option sensibus ne quo, nec tantas quodsi id. Posse nostro liberavisse eum ut id illum tantas.