The learning outcomes are presented formally and informally to the students, teaching faculties and non–teaching staff. There are various mode adopted for this purpose.These are:
- Copies of result sheets are affixed on the notice boards and toppers are especially highlighted.
- Admission notices and advertisements in newspapers on different occasions also reflect the learning outcomes. For the last two years the college also co-hosting Pratibha Samman programme which is hosted by a leading Hindi daily in Bihar, namely ‘Prabhat Khabar’.
- Learning outcome contents is ensured during Press briefing of college in any magazine or new paper.
- During college meetings, learning outcomes are discussed.
To achieve desired outcomes, following strategies are used in teaching, learning and assessment.
- Timely delivery of course curriculum according to lesson plan.
- Use of innovative teaching aids.
- Visual explanations of course curriculum
- Class room internal tests, classroom question–answer sessions, project development in vocational courses, providing training for viva – voce, etc.
- Ensuring attendance in classroom lectures.
- Well structured, computerized and OPAC enabled central library.
- Seminars conducted exclusively for UG students by different students.
- Installation of Smart Board (Limited numbers)
- Revision and extra classes for weak and slow learners.
The achievements of learning outcome is monitored and ensured by the following bodies in college.
- Academic Committee
- Principal
The following parameters are used by them to monitor and ensure achievement of learning outcomes:
- Marks obtained in internal class tests.
- Performance recorded in Question – Answer sessions.
- Performance also recorded in debate, seminars, etc.
- Informally we also monitor performance of students in their viva – voce during their final exams in the 1st and the 2nd year conducted by externals in particular subjects involving practicals.
- Attendance of students is also taken into account.
The data based on above mentioned points are analysed and compiled to get any missing element in teaching and learning process and thereafter plans are framed for further actions.